Wednesday, 25 April 2012

The Animal Liberation Movement: The Essence of The Movement

Post by guest contributor, Newcastle AR activist.

The animal liberation movement has been around for century's now. In the 80s we saw massed direct actions against the vivisection labs, boots/bricks through windows of fur companies and home demonstrations but that movement is not there any more.

So what are we left with?

We have a movement that is divided between outreach, lobbying and those that want to “Hit them head on”.

We have campaign groups like Animal Defenders International that are pressuring government and more over have managed made great strides towards getting wild animals banned in circuses.

On the other hand we have groups like The National Anti-vivisection Allience (NAVA), for example, who have managed to get many airlines to withdraw from transporting animals. We have seen other campaigners claim victory over clothes giant Flannels getting them to remove there fur.

And from the outreach side of the movement we have also seen massive vegan promoting festivals such as Vegfest that have attracted over 5 thousand people.

All these are great tactics.

We will see hundreds take to the streets Saturday 28th April 2012 for World Day for Animals in Laboratories bringing everyone together for one cause: Animal Liberation, Animal Rights!

The movement could remain divided with Outreach/Lobbying going one way and 'head on' going another but I'm going to put it to you:


In this current climate we don't have the same numbers any more.
We don’t have tens of thousands taking to the streets for animal liberation.
We don’t even have thousands any more, we are a divided movement.
We have no help from the police / the Daily “fascist” Mail and other right wing shit stirrers giving there two fingers to the animal rights movement.

So I say its time to unite!

A movement united could achieve so much that a movement divided can not!
We need people to stand up and say 'enough is enough' its time to end animal cruelty.
Huntingdon Life Sciences are still around - we got to remember that 500 animals are killed there everyday!
Oxford's labs are still open we got to remember the countless deaths they cause!
Hereford seems to have fallen off the map Sequani labs still open!
Universities still perform animal testing!

We have soo many campaigns and not enough campaigners to do it.

My Analysis

While it is essential that we promote veganism and promote animal rights I must also state that it is essential we do not become keyboard warriors. We need to take to the streets onces again we need to unite and fight for those in cages and those in death labs across the world.

NAVA were very successful at getting airlines to stop transporting animals to there deaths.
CAFT have been very successful at getting fur removed from shops.
SHAC have been successful at campaigning against HLS.

All three are good campaigns with there heart in the right place but there are divisions we need to now fight for total liberation and we need to do it quickly.

We have seen the state's might against animal rights with disgusting disproportionate sentencing being handed out. Undoubtedly its put people off doing actions but this is exactly what shouldn't  happen, once a activist goes to jail there needs to be two more to take their place. If a campaign is shut down two more should spring up in response. We are people who care about animal liberation, we care about the suffering of animals - I urge you to take to the streets once again!

I urge you to join your local animal rights campaign, put on an educational event, organise a school speaker or organise a protest in your area.

Please don’t let those who are in the cages die alone and don't let the prisoners inside our prisons for animal rights/warfare suffer alone.

For the animals ...